Health-related jobs ranked as top industry for job growth in Denver metro area
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Denver Business Journal
Main Category
Economy – Denver
Article Summary
A recent survey of job growth among industry sectors in the Denver metro area found the sector of health- and wellness-related activities performed best for the measure in the years of 2007-2012. Conducted by the Metro Denver Economic Development Corp., the annual industry cluster study clocked the sector as more than doubling the national growth rate of 9.5% in the period with a pace of 22.0%. The study also found the space industry in the state to maintain its standing as being 2nd only to California with a total employment of 19,600 in the 9-county area along the northern Front Range, and recognized the Denver-Boulder-Aurora market as the single-largest metro area for space employment. Additionally, Colorado placed at 3rd for both the number of high tech workers per capita at 43,230 and in the percentage of those with advanced degrees at 36.0%.